! This example was provided by Ole Göbel size 29 21 rp = 10 ! radius of primitive, only value that needs to be changed to blow up f = pi/180 ! or shrink the entire net thinl = 0.005 ! lwidth of thin lines thickl = 0.01 ! lwidth of thick lines !drawing primitive and central cross set lwidth .02 amove 15 10.5 circle rp rmove 0 -rp rline 0 2*rp rmove -rp -rp rline 2*rp 0 rmove -rp 0 !drawing small circles around east pole for ang=2 to 88 step 2 ! defining the grid of small circles set lwidth thinl ! ang must not become 0 nor 90! ang2=180-ang r1=rp*sin(ang*f)/(1+cos(ang*f)) r2=rp*sin(ang2*f)/(1+cos(ang2*f)) om=(r1+r2)/2 r=r2-om rmove om 0 if ang/10=int(ang/10) then set lwidth thickl ! drawing every small circle fatter with: angular end if ! distance to east pole = n*10deg arc r 180-ang 180+ang rmove -om 0 next ang !drawing small circles around west pole for ang=2 to 88 step 2 ! defining the grid of small circles set lwidth thinl ! ang must not become 0 nor 90! ang2=180-ang r1=rp*sin(ang*f)/(1+cos(ang*f)) r2=rp*sin(ang2*f)/(1+cos(ang2*f)) om=(r1+r2)/2 r=r2-om rmove -om 0 if ang/10=int(ang/10) then set lwidth thickl ! drawing every small circle fatter with: angular end if ! distance to west pole = n*10deg arc r -ang ang rmove om 0 next ang !drawing great circles in northern hemisphere for ang=2 to 88 step 2 ! defining the grid of great circles set lwidth thinl ! ang must not become 0 nor 90! ang2=180-ang r1=rp*sin(ang*f)/(1+cos(ang*f)) r2=rp*sin(ang2*f)/(1+cos(ang2*f)) om=(r2-r1)/2 r=r2-om rmove 0 -om if ang/10=int(ang/10) then set lwidth thickl ! drawing every small circle fatter with: angular end if ! distance to primitive = n*10deg arc r 90-ang 90+ang rmove 0 om next ang !drawing great circles in southern hemisphere for ang=2 to 88 step 2 ! defining the grid of great circles set lwidth thinl ! ang must not become 0 nor 90! ang2=180-ang r1=rp*sin(ang*f)/(1+cos(ang*f)) r2=rp*sin(ang2*f)/(1+cos(ang2*f)) om=(r2-r1)/2 r=r2-om rmove 0 om if ang/10=int(ang/10) then set lwidth thickl ! drawing every small circle fatter with: angular end if ! distance to primitive = n*10deg arc r 270-ang 270+ang rmove 0 -om next ang