size 9 4.1 set font psh sub red_bullet ! draw a red bullet gsave set color red fill red circle 0.06 grestore end sub begin object house ! draw a house with a named door and window set join round ! draw the roof begin path stroke fill lightsalmon amove 0 1.625 aline 1.25 2.5 aline 2.5 1.625 closepath end path ! draw the brick wall amove 0 0 box 2.5 1.625 fill cornsilk ! draw the door amove 1.5 0 box 0.75 1.375 fill burlywood name door ! draw the window amove 0.25 0.625 box 1 0.75 fill skyblue name window end object ! draw the house amove pagewidth()/2 1.5 draw house.bc red_bullet ! mark the door and window with a red bullet move red_bullet move red_bullet ! draw the labels set just bc amove pagewidth()/2 0.1 begin name drawcmd add 0.05 begin text amove pagewidth()/2 1.5 draw house.bc end text end name set just lc amove pointx(house.rc)+0.5 pointy( begin name doorlabel add 0.05 write "" end name set just rc amove pointx( pointy( begin name windowlabel add 0.05 write "" end name ! draw the arrows join -> house.bc join windowlabel.rc -> join ->