GLE Example:

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size 7 7

set font texcmr

begin fitz
   data "fitz.dat"
   x from 0 to 5 step 0.2
   y from 0 to 5 step 0.2
   ncontour 6
end fitz

begin object fitz
   begin surface
      size 8 8
      data "fitz.z"
      top color blue
      xaxis min 0 max 5 step 1 hei .25
      yaxis min 0 max 5 step 1 hei .25
      zaxis step .5 hei .25
      zaxis min 0 max 2.5
      points "fitz.dat"
      droplines lstyle 1
      marker circle
      view 2.5 3 .3
   end surface
end object

amove pagewidth()/2 pageheight()/2


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